Sabtu, 28 Juni 2014

Tugas Softskills 4

Make 10 Tests Of TOEFL
Questions 1-5 :
The next artist in this survey of American artist is James Whistler; he is included in this survey of American artist because he was born in the United States, although the majority of his artwork was completed in Europe. Whistler was born in Massachusetts in 1834, but nine years later his father moved the family to St. Petersburg, Russia, to work on the construction of a railroad. The family returned to the United States in 1849. Two years later Whistler entered the U.S. military academy at West Point, but he was unable to graduate. At the age of twenty-one Whistler went to Europe to study art despite familial objections, and he remained in Europe until his death.
Whistler worked in various art forms, including etchings and lithographs. However, he is most famous for his paintings, particularly Arrangement in Gray and Black No. 1: Portrait of the Artists Mother or Whistlers Mother, as it is more commonly known. This painting shows a side view of Whistlers mother, dressed I black and posing against a gray wall. The asymmetrical nature of the portrait, with his mother seated off-center, is highly characteristic of Whistlers work.
1. The paragraph preceding this passage most likely discusses
a. A survey of eighteenth-century art
b. a different American artist
c. Whistlers other famous paintings
d. European artists
2. Which of the following best describes the information in the passage?
a. Several artists are presented
b. One artists life and works are described
c. Various paintings are contrasted
d. Whistlers family life is outlined.
3. The world majority in line 2 is closest in meaning to
a. seniority
b. maturity
c. large pices
d. high percentage
4. In line 8, the etchings are
a. a type of painting
b. the same as a lithograph
c. an art form introduced by Whistler
d. an art form involving engraving

5. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passsage?
a. a.Whistler work with a variety of art forms.
b. Whistlers Mother is not the official name of his painting.
c. Whistler is best known for his etchings.
d. Whistlers Mother is painted in somber tones.

6. After she had bougt himself a new automobile, she sold her bicycle.
7. John has not completed the assignment yet, and Anna hasn’t neither.
8. After George had returned to his house, he was reading a book.
9. Buying clothes are often a very time-consuming practice because those clothes that a person
likes are rarely the ones that fit him or her.
10. Maria decided to buy in the morning a new car, but in the afternoon she changed her mind

1. B 6. B
2. B 7. D
3. D 8. D
4. D 9. A
5. C 10. B

Rabu, 28 Mei 2014

Tulisan Who Is Your Favorite Figure

Bob Sadino known as the founder and owner of Chick Kem, Kem Food, Kem Farm. His business was very successful. Uncle Bob Every day billions of dollars profit. Bob Sadino born in Lampung, March 9, 1933, he was the youngest of five brothers were well off. His father was a teacher, who taught in Dutch schools. at that time, the teaching profession is very respected in the community. No wonder that Bob was called "sinyos" by the village children, in the area of Menteng, Jakarta. Bob Sadino is a high school graduate. He also studied at the Faculty of law of the UI, but only briefly, the reason is very simple to drop out, he just went along with college friends. At the age of 19 years Bob worked as a sailor, from here he could travel around the world. He had roamed the Netherlands dna settled there for 9 years. There he worked in Djakarta Lloyd in Amsterdam and Hamburg, Germany. In the land of windmills, too, Bob then met with Soelami Soejoed, Bank Indonesia employees who were on duty, and eventually became his wife.
Bob Sadino unique personality and often looks eccentric, short pants and white shirt, the typical style of dress. The car Jaguar, very spacious house. He is a combination of people who are lucky, hardworking, focused, intelligent. Called Sadino lucky because Bob got a business idea, called a hard worker, as he immediately grabbed that idea into a business that generates hundreds of billions. Called intelligent and focused, as he continues to play the money into a business that he understood and liked.
Bob Sadino touted as the first to market broilers and laying hens to the Indonesian people. Uncle Bob also mentioned people who first introduced sebgai melon we now know, he also introduced the sweet corn, lettuce, peppers, and a variety of other vegetables. Bob Sadono also the first in Indonesia using hydroponic cultivation system. Even a note in early 1985 revealed that, on average per month Bob Sadino company is able to sell 40-50 tons of fresh meat, processed meat 60-70 tons, and 100 tons of fresh vegetables. Even now, Bob Sadino known for exporting thousands of tons of vegetables and fruits to Japan. Though famous Japanese society complicated about the quality of vegetables and meat. They ask for this and that, but it was not difficult for Bob, he is able to meet the enormous need of the country.
At first Bob grow vegetables and fruit in the house, but because the business continues to grow, he then took a step forward, to not have their own land and empower rural farmers. Since then, his garden house in Jakarta made, just information, that the gardener Bob Sadino who made his home the extent of two hectares. Excellent.

Tugas Tentang Conditional Sentence

Conditional berarti sebuah pengandaian sementara conditional sentence adalah kalimat pengandaian, Conditional sentence dibagi menjadi tiga tipe.
Conditional sentence tipe 1 mengenai masa depan contohnya if it rains I will stay at home
Conditional sentence tipe 2 tentang pengandaian masa lampau contohnya if I got a lot of money i would buy car
Conditional sentence tipe 3 membahas mengenai sebuah hal yang sudah tidak mungkin terjadi lagi contohnya if my uncle had got the job He would have been a manager

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Senin, 28 April 2014

How To Make Something (tugas tulisan bahasa inggris)

Making Banyola Rice

Materials :
- Rices
- Egg
- Butter
- Oil
- Onion
- Seledri
- Salt
- etc

Step :
first prepare frying pan adn stuck/ big spoon
put oil an little fire about 3cm
and wait for 1 minute
then make the egg with many vegetables
somelikes seledri, onion, salt, oil and the secrets recipe from West Sumatera
then boil the secret egg with mini frying pan
second one prepare the same frying pan but its different ways,this is the last step and final object, put the onion, seledri, salt to the frying pan the after 30 second put also the white rice with a little butter, shake your hands to the rice then "Banyola Rice" ready to eat :)

Tugas Softskills Bahasa Inggris Subject, Verb, Complement, and Modifier

Complement adalah kata atau kelompok kata yang melengkapi makna dari subject, verb, atau object. Dengan demikian, ada tiga macam complement, yaitu: subject, verb, dan object complement.

Subject complement adalah noun, pronoun, adjective, atau konstruksi lain (berperan sebagai noun atau adjective) yang mengikuti verbs of being atau linking verb serta berfungsi menerangkan atau merujuk subjek kalimat.
contoh : Mr. Rizky was a great bussinessman

Verb complement adalah direct object (DO) atau indirect object (IO) dari suatu action verb. Objek-objek tersebut dapat berupa noun, pronoun, atau konstruksi lain yang berakting seperti noun, seperti: gerund, infinitive, dan noun clause.
contoh : I love singing

Modifier adalah kata, phrase, atau clause yang berfungsi sebagai adjective atau adverb yang menerangkan kata atau kelompok kata lain.
contoh : She swims so beautifully

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Kamis, 27 Maret 2014

Describe Favorite Thing (tugas softskills bahasa inggris)

Is a communication tool that does not use wires and can be taken anywhere. Very useful or very easier for humans to communicate with the use karrna we can interact directly with our speaker without the need for face to face with the other person, wherever and as far as nothing else our speaker, we can exchange information easily.
We can communicate with the other person without the need for face to face with the other person, wherever and as far as nothing else our speaker, we can exchange information easily.
Can expand the network of friendship, a network of friends, and coworkers.
By using the application friendships provide, we can find new people from around the region-even the name we know that is not necessarily the location of the area.
Add to our knowledge of the latest technological developments and easier for us to complete a job.
Easier for us to find information in cyberspace (the internet).

Because many of the benefits that I really like this thing. A lot of things can I use with it. He can console me, he always I carry it everywhere I go. The form is not too big, fit digenggamanku makes it very easy for me to use. Not only I liked it a lot of people also like to use it. From children to parents was surely can easily use it.
Therefore, I love this thing. He called Handphone. Handphone is one of the important things that I like. Many things can I do with him, not infrequently these objects into my entertainment.

Rabu, 26 Maret 2014

Toefl Test

1. Buying clothes are often a very time-consuming practice because those clothes that a person likes are rarely the ones that fit him or her.

seharusnya : Buying clothes is often a very time-consuming practice because those clothes that a person likes are rarely the ones that fit him or her.

karena "Buying clothes" adalah kata kerja jadi menggunakan "is" bukan "are"

Sabtu, 04 Januari 2014

Tugas norma dan etika SDM yang berhubungan dengan karyawan

Definisi Norma
Norma adalah sebuah aturan, patokan atau ukuran, yaitu sesuatu yang bersifat pasti dan tidak berubah. Dengan adanya norma kita dapat memperbandingkan sesuatu hal lain yang hakikatnya, ukurannya, serta kualitasnya kita ragukan. Norma berguna untuk menilai baik-buruknya tindakan masyarakat sehari-hari.

Definisi Etika
Etika yaitu merupakan cara berpikir mengenai perilaku manusia di bawah pangkal tolak pandangan baik dan buruk atau benar dan salah dari norma-norma dan nilai-nilai, pertanggung jawaban dan pilihan.

Definisi Sumber Daya Manusia
Manajemen SDM (sumber daya manusia) merupakan suatu proses menangani berbagai masalah pada ruang lingkup karyawan, pegawai, buruh, manajer dan tenaga kerja lainnya, untuk dapat menunjang aktifitas organisasi atau perusahaan demi mencapai tujuan yang telah ditentukan.

Definisi Etika Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia
Etika manajemen sumber daya manusia dapat diartikan sebagai ilmu yang menerapkan prinsip-prinsip etika tehadap hubungan dengan sumber daya manusia dan kegiataannya.
Norma dan Etika Pada Fungsi SDM yang Berhubungan Dengan Karyawan
Dalam dunia bisnis etika memiliki peranan yang sangat penting ketika keuntungan bukan lagi menjadi satu-satunya tujuan organisasi. Bisnis juga akan menjadi lebih sukses jika mempunyai perhatian pada etika, karena hal ini akan meningkatkan reputasi organisasi dan meningkatkan motivasi karyawan serta dapat mengurangi berbagai kerugian akibat perilaku yang kurang etis yang dilakukan oleh karyawan. Manajemen merupakan pendorong organisasi dalam usaha melatih karyawan agar mempunyai etika bisnis yang sesuai dengan organisasi, sehingga tindakan kurang etis dapat di cegah. Fungsi manajemen sumber daya manusia adalah melindungi organisasi dari tindakan yang tidak etis dari karyawan. Manajemen sumber daya manusia juga bertanggung jawab dalam usaha-usaha organisasi untuk menangani etika perilaku, dapat mampu menjadi penggerak dalam organisasi dalam menanggani isu-isu etika, serta bertanggung jawab dalam pengembangan dan pelatihan mengenai pentingnya peningkatan moral karyawan.

Norma dan Etika Pada Fungsi Keuangan
Etika Bisnis Dalam Akuntansi Manajemen
Akuntansi manajemen merupakan suatu sistem akuntansi yang berkaitan dengan ketentuan dan penggunaan informasi akuntansi untuk manajer atau manajemen dalam suatu organisasidan untuk memberikan dasar kepada manajemen untuk membuat keputusan bisnis yang akan memungkinkan manajemen akan lebih siap dalam pengelolaan dan melakukan fungsi kontrol. Tanggung jawab yang dimiliki oleh seorang akuntan manajemen, yaitu:
1. Perencanaan, menyusun dan berpartisipasi dalam mengembangkan sistem perencanaan, menyusun sasaran-sasaran yang diharapkan, dan memilih cara-cara yang tepat untuk memonitor arah kemajuan dalam pencapaian sasaran.
2. Pengevaluasian, mempertimbangkan implikasi-implikasi historical dan kejadian-kejadian yang diharapkan, serta membantu memilih cara terbaik untuk bertindak.
3. Pengendalian, menjamin integritas informasi finansial yang berhubungan dengan aktivitas organisasi dan sumber-sumbernya, memonitor dan mengukur prestasi, dan mengadakan tindakan koreksi yang diperlukan untuk mengembalikan kegiatan pada cara-cara yang diharapkan.
4. Menjamin pertanggungjawaban sumber, mengimplementasikan suatu sistem pelaporan yang disesuaikan dengan pusat-pusat pertanggungjawaban dalam suatu organisasi sehingga sistem pelaporan tersebut dapat memberikan kontribusi kepada efektifitas penggunaan sumber daya dan pengukuran prestasi manajemen.
5. Pelaporan eksternal, ikut berpartisipasi dalam proses mengembangkan prinsip-prinsip akuntansi yang mendasari pelaporan eksternal.

Norma dan Etika Pada Pasar Bebas
Pasar bebas adalah pasar ideal, di mana adanya perlakuan yang sama dan fair bagi semua pelaku bisnis dengan aturan yang fair, transparan, konsekuen & objektif, memberi peluang yang optimal bagi persaingan bebas yang sehat dalam pemerataan ekonomi. Pasar bebas diadvokasikan oleh pengusul ekonomi liberalisme. Salah satu ukuran kemajuan suatu bangsa dan keberhasilan suatu pemerintahan di era pasar bebas adalah tingkat kemampuannya untuk menguasai teknologi ekonomi (J.Gremillion).

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