Senin, 29 November 2010

Cultural Lectures (Budaya Perkuliahan)

Go Away, Morning Blues
Ever have to practically drag yourself out of bed and to class?
Ever wish that the weekend could last 4 days instead of 2?
Ever got a severe case of laziness when it comes to school?
You've got the morning blues!
Here are the top three reasons why students heavy-heartedly come to class (or sometimes even skip it)

"Killer Teacher"
Maybe it's the way your teacher randomlyasks questions at random times, making you feel like a dear caught in the headlights.Maybe it's the way he sets up such strict rules...
but there are teachers that freak you out so much it makes you drag your feet getting up in the morning to attend his class.

There are times when you get a stomach-ache from just thinking about a certain class. Actually, the more you think about it, the more your stomach hurts! And now your head starts throbbing, too!

"Unfinished reports,assigments,etc"
A common scenario : a lab repoet is due within several hours, but you've got a class in 15 minutes!
Racing with time, you decide to skip class to finish that report.

dikutip dari C'nS Magazine

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